EFFECTIVE 07/01/2011

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AN ACT relating to insurance; prohibiting fee schedules in health and dental insurance policies for noncovered services as specified; providing a definition; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1. W.S. 26-22-505 is created to read:

26-22-505. Dental insurance; limitation on fee schedules for noncovered services; definition; applicability.

  1. No person or entity contracting with dentists to provide coverage or reimbursement for dental services shall require a dentist to provide services at a fee set by the contract, a policy or a certificate unless the services are covered services by the terms of the contract, policy or certificate.
  2. For purposes of this section, "covered services" means services reimbursable under the contract, policy or certificate, subject to customary contractual limitations on benefits including such items as deductibles, waiting periods, frequency limitations or charges over the benefit maximum.
  3. This section shall apply to contracts, policies or certificates issued, renewed, delivered or issued for delivery in this state on or after July 1, 2011

Section 2.

This act is effective July 1, 2011.

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