
Gaining expertise in today’s world of dental insurance becomes critical for the success of your dental practice. If you don’t learn the rules, you are limiting yourself to never fully learning the game; therefore, lowering your chance of maximizing claim reimbursements. Insurance companies profit when dental offices don’t fully understand the process.

Membership provides you and your entire team with 24/7 access to up-to-date information about all aspects of today’s dental insurance landscape. Membership includes the following information and services:

Membership offers solutions for the entire office.


Understand Dental Insurance

Knowing what benefits, treatment codes, and documents apply is a guessing game for too many dental teams. That’s because one thing is missing: The right resource to guide you through the dental insurance billing process. Make sure your office is set up for success with training in understanding insurance terminology, preparing estimates, reading EOBs, learning how to ask for breakdown information, filing claims, and more.

Virtual "Office Hour" Events

Dr. Travis Campbell is committed to giving members direct support. Join him each month for a live discussion. He’ll walk you through your most challenging insurance issues and open the floor for attendee questions.

Direct Expert Help & Guidance

Have a question? Ask it! Members have direct access to expert feedback. Submit a question through the member portal and receive direct feedback from Dr. Travis Campbell.

Secondary Insurance Calculator

The Dental Insurance Guy Secondary Insurance calculator is a member benefit to help you determine correct input and write offs for accounts and claims that involve secondary insurance.

Monthly Insurance Updates & Tips

Stay in the know. Receive the member-only email newsletter containing up-to-date insurance information, tips, success stories, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Immediate Access to Comprehensive FAQ

Get access to a library of questions and answers that previous dental offices have asked. The FAQ is a great resource for both dentists and team to quickly find answers to commonly asked questions.

Library of Resources, Forms & Documents

There’s a form for that! Why should you reinvent the wheel? Download commonly used forms and documents that all dental practices should have in place.

On-Demand CE

Members have access to on-demand courses, as well as the option to purchase premium courses.

Membership offers solutions for the entire office.


There’s a better way to get the most from dental insurance

Too many of us struggle with getting payments from insurance companies. You are not alone. Did you know that many, if not most, common insurance challenges can be avoided when you properly understand the insurance process?


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