House Bill 3665
EFFECTIVE 06/02/2010

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Relating to dental services contracts; and declaring an emergency.

Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:

SECTION 1. { + Section 2 of this 2010 Act is added to and made a part of the Insurance Code. + }

SECTION 2. { + (1.) As used in this section:

  1. 'Dental services contract' means a contract between an insurer and a provider or a group of providers to provide dental health services for enrollees. 'Dental services contract' does not include a contract of employment or a contract creating legal entities and ownership thereof that are authorized under ORS chapter 58, 60 or 70, or other similar professional organizations permitted by statute.
  2. 'Enrollee' means a person entitled to receive dental health benefits from an insurer.
  3. 'Provider' means a person licensed or otherwise authorized by the laws of this state to administer dental health services in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession.
  4. A dental services contract may not restrict the price that a provider may charge for services provided to an enrollee unless the services are covered by the insurer. + }

SECTION 3. { + Section 2 of this 2010 Act applies to dental services contracts entered into or renewed on or after the effective date of this 2010 Act. + }

SECTION 4. { + Section 2 of this 2010 Act is repealed on January 2, 2015. + }

SECTION 5. { + This 2010 Act being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2010 Act takes effect on its passage. + }

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